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Meet SINOFROST at Fine Food Australia 2024 – Let's Connect in Melbourne!

Our Booth Location: Stand Z30

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We are thrilled to announce our presence at Fine Food Australia 2024, a premier event in the food and hospitality industry. From September 2nd to 5th, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) will come alive with the bustling energy of this esteemed gathering.

Fine Food Australia is an unparalleled opportunity to immerse oneself in the world of culinary innovation, trends, and cutting-edge products. It's where professionals, industry leaders, and enthusiasts gather to explore, discover, and connect.

Event Details:

Date: September 2 – 5, 2024

Location: MCEC Melbourne, Australia

Our Booth Location: Stand Z 30

Why Visit Us?

Make sure to stop by Stand Z 30 to discover SINOFROST offerings firsthand. Engage with our team, experience our latest frozen food products.We have been in the frozen food industry since 1995 and we can supply more than 150 kinds of products, frozen vegetables, frozen berries, frozen fruit, frozen mushrooms, frozen dim sum (frozen vegetable samosas, frozen vegetable spring rolls, etc.) Japanese food ingredients ( Unagi Kabayaki, frozen edamame, frozen seasoned flying fish roe, etc.)

Connect with Us:

This event isn’t just about displays, it’s about fostering connections. We are eager to reconnect with our esteemed customers, engage with industry peers, and establish new partnerships. Whether you're seeking industry insights, exploring collaborations, or simply want to catch up, Fine Food Australia 2024 is the perfect setting.

Let’s Meet:

Block your calendar and ensure you visit SINOFROST at Stand Z30 during Fine Food Australia Melbourne 2024. We are excited to share our passion, knowledge, and products with you. It’s a chance to explore possibilities, nurture relationships, and pave the way for a flavorful journey together.

Stay tuned for updates as we gear up for this exciting event. For additional details or pre-event queries, reach out to us at email:

We can’t wait to meet you at Fine Food Australia 2024!

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Frozen Yellow Peach

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Unagi Kabyaki

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Frozen Vegetable Spring Rolls

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Frozen Tobiko

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Frozen Edamame Beans